Prayers of Judgment

Many Christians are asking how to pray during this critical season in the United States with the national election in only a few weeks.
I believe three principles are involved.
1) God determines the course of nations. God determines the boundaries and season of nations. He promotes some leaders and demotes others, based on His purposes and also for our welfare. You can see this illustrated in the Book of Daniel. I tell about this in my book, "Heaven's Angel Army", available on Amazon. God prefers that good and righteous leaders rule over the nations, but He can even use the wicked to accomplish His goals.
2) The prayers of believers on the earth powerfully affect the course of human history. I have seen this happen two time in my life here in the USA. Once with Richard Nixon's resignation and once with the election of George Bush. Both times supernatural things happened that were beyond coincidence. This is why Paul said the first order of business for the church is to pray for civil authorities. The church can determine the outcome of elections by voting in heaven in prayer and prophetic decrees before we vote on earth at the polls. We should note that God doesn't choose leaders based on personality or popularity, but for His purposes to be done. This praying by the church is God's will to be done: for good governance, social peace, and freedom for the gospel.
3) Under certain conditions, we can not only pray FOR good leaders, we may pray AGAINST bad candidates or leaders. The church, acting with its authority as ecclesia, praying and decreeing in the name of the LORD, has the right to pray and dismantle the unholy anointing that empowers wicked people/schemes.
Therefore, on September 18th 2020, on Rosh Hoshana the Jewish New Year, myself along with several other apostles and prophets as well as intercessors gathered to utilize the power of Imprecatory Psalms in intercession for the right election outcome to occur in the United States this November.
For Christian leaders, if you think it would be useful to you, feel free to email me to request the additional material that accompanies this corporate prayer action. This includes specific intercessions for Donald John Trump, Imprecatory Prayer Targets, and Scripture References.
Definition of Imprecatory = “to curse a life or entity with harm, failure, or destruction; when one having superior authority and power crushes the inferior.” (i.e.- God issuing decrees against His enemies) Examples: Psalm 2:4-5; 5:9-10; 6:10; 11:4-6; 12:2-3; 35:9-16, 25-26; 37:12-17, 38; 40:14-15; 52:4-6; 54:5; 56:6-7; 58:6-9; 59:all; [69:22-28]; 79:12; 83:9-17; 94:22-23; 137:7-9; 139;19-22; 143:9 & 12.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, King David wrote Psalms pleading with God for relief or pronouncing judgment against his enemies. David was regularly being bombarded by wicked lies, treachery, and opposition from violent enemies. He was God’s anointed ruler, but his enemies hated him. For the sake of the kingdom, he prayed that God would act in his behalf and righteously judge the wicked, defeat, and/or remove both his and God’s enemies. While David’s choir sang these prophetic songs, David’s kingdom increased, and Israel was secure. The early church sang these Psalms, including Imprecatory Psalms. (i.e.- Nuns singing Psalms in Subiaco chapel) For centuries, the Psalms of David were the hymn book of the Church. They still are. (See Ephesians 5:19)
Is there a place for us to pray these Psalms today? Does God await our prayers for His justice? Yes, with precautions (only for mature believers or leaders).
CAUTION: We don’t personally pronounce railing judgments against people. There is a difference between cursing and judging. We walk in mercy and blessings. This is not personal vengeance. There is no hate here. Rather, this is a kingdom act of governance. This official corporate action is for the church (the ekklesia - His saints, apostles and prophets) in mutual agreement (sumphoneo) to voice decrees of judgement against evil rulers who take council together (conspire) against God and God’s anointed (His people). We cry out to G
od for help. In His sovereign wisdom, is it time for God to judge our enemies? We began by praying for the lost/wicked to repent and be saved. We have confessed and repented of our own corporate/national sins. We have asked for mercy for our nation. But the wicked have hardened their hearts. It is time to appeal to God for Justice. As the wicked persist in doing evil, we now ask the Lord to remove them. We appeal to heaven. Thus, we pray imprecatory prayers in the Spirit.
Individually, we have the Lord’s help to forgive, bear up, and suffer as we do the will of God. There comes a time when the Holy Spirit directs us to cry out for deliverance from the oppression of our enemies. We ask for God to crush the wicked and stop evil from working through people [spirit realm/natural realm]. Angels get involved. (See how the Lord judged Herod in Acts 12:20-24)
These prayers and Psalms are not for personal vengeance. These are prayers interceding for the church to awaken and the nation to be spared. We humbly trust in the finished work of Jesus and genuinely seek His righteousness. Now we cry out to the Judge of all the earth to issue His just verdicts against the unrepentant wicked who try to destroy God’s good creation, America. It is time for holy angels of God to remove stumbling blocks from His kingdom. (See Matthew 13:24-30; 37-42)
God kept his people in Egypt for 400 years until the iniquity of the Amorites was full. Then God judged the wicked, expelled them, and gave the land to Israel. It has been 400 years since the Puritans claimed America for God’s kingdom. It is time for the wicked to lose their power and be disinherited.
We will not tolerate lawlessness or wickedness running rampant in our nation. We will not permit the agents of Satan to control our government or influence major areas of our society. We oppose the murder of living babies. We say sexual perversion is not normal. We say marriage is honorable for men and women. We oppose gender identity confusion and the sexual exploitation of children. Enough is enough! We ask the Lord to empower us to declare His word (i.e.- the sword of the Spirit) against evildoers. We implore God for mercy for the righteous, and justice against the wicked.
"May God arise and His enemies be scattered!"
“Imprecatory Psalms” Sept 18, 2020